CCJLSA Mission
Guiding Youth Towards Success
The mission of the Comal County Jr. Livestock Show Association is to promote the agricultural life by providing the youth of Comal County with a venue to show and sell their livestock projects. Through this experience the young people develop life skills: responsibility, competition, financial management and life long commitment to family and friends.

CCJLSA History
Fifty-seven years ago, two weeks before the Youth Show, Jimmy Rheinlaender and C.A. "Tex" Ritter got together and decided to form a group to help supervise the sale of the market animals. Tex became the first chairman and Helen Steubing, the first treasurer. Also helping were Future Farmers of America (FFA) advisors, Leroy Goodson and James Stolte; FFA teacher, Tommy Zipp; and County Extension Agent, Bill Schumann. This group became known as the Livestock Auction Committee.
This committee conceived and initiated a unique method of redistributing the proceeds from the sale, so each exhibitor receives an amount based on the quality of their animal, not the amount bid at the sale. This method, know as the "Point System", is still used today.
At the first sale, 57 exhibitors sold 92 animals. Thanks to the Livestock Auction Committee, the 2024 show had 483 exhibitors with 819 entries of breeding and market animals, rabbits and poultry, and Ag Mechanics. The name changed to the Comal County Junior Livestock Show Association. The exhibitors are members of Comal County 4-H Clubs, and FFA Chapters from Canyon, Canyon Lake, New Braunfels, Smithson Valley, and Davenport High Schools. Each exhibitor is allowed to sell one market animal through the auction sale, provided the animal is of show quality.
We are fortunate to live in a county that believes in the future of our youth and continues to support them year after year. Our buyers see the value in supporting our organization and these young men and women. Our parents see the value of having their child involved in an agricultural endeavor that teaches them to do good work. Our school districts see the value of having agriculture education in schools and continue to support these programs by building new facilities and hiring more teachers. Our exhibitors see the value of taking care of their project and doing the best job they can do because there is a reward for a job well done.
These young people have invested a great deal of time and money into their projects. They are proud to have the opportunity to show their animals and ag mechanics projects, to compete for ribbons and trophies, to sell their animals and to hopefully realize a profit from their efforts. The Comal County Junior Livestock Show Association greatly appreciates your support and the time you spend with us at the auction each year.