Sponsor the youth of the Comal County Junior Livestock Show
Your Support Makes a World of Difference
For over 50 years, we’ve been committed to creating a world of opportunity for the youth of today through our county livestock show. At Comal County Junior Livestock Show, we believe that a little monetary contribution can go a long way - and rely on support from people like you to create an impact on our youth. Donate now, and make a difference in the lives of our youth.

Sponsorship Levels
​Platinum Sponsorship - Donation level: $5000 & up
Sponsors will receive 2 VIP wristbands to attend the CCJLSA Auction (includes VIP breakfast); 2 regular wristbands to attend the auction; a logo displayed on TV during show & sale; signage; auction book recognition; social media presence; website presence; custom thank-you gift.
Gold Sponsorship - Donation level: $2500 - $4999
Sponsors will receive 2 regular wristbands to attend the auction; a logo displayed on TV during the show & sale; auction book recognition; social media presence; website presence; custom thank-you gift.
Silver Sponsorship - Donation level: $1000 - $2499
Sponsors will receive 2 regular wristbands to attend the auction; a logo displayed on TV during the show & sale; social media presence; website presence; $2,000 & up will receive a custom thank-you gift.
Bronze Sponsorship - Donation level: $500 - $999
Sponsors will receive 2 regular wristbands to attend the auction; a logo displayed on TV during the show & sale; website presence.